Example 20 - Features of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors - Cross-Coupling in the Bearings


Example 20 - Features of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors - Cross-Coupling in the Bearings#

This example is based on Example 5.9.4 from [Friswell, 2010].

Cross-Coupling in the Bearings. This system is the same as that of Example 5.9.1 except that some coupling is introduced in the bearings between the x and y directions. T he bearings have direct stiffnesses of 1 MN/m and cross coupling stiffnesses of 0.5 MN/m.

import ross as rs
import numpy as np
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from IPython.display import display

# uncomment the lines below if you are having problems with plots not showing
# import plotly.io as pio
# pio.renderers.default = "notebook"
Q_ = rs.Q_
steel = rs.Material("steel", E=211e9, G_s=81.2e9, rho=7810)
L = 0.25
N = 6
idl = 0
odl = 0.05

shaft = [rs.ShaftElement(L=L, idl=idl, odl=odl, material=steel) for i in range(N)]
bearings = [
        n=0, kxx=1e6, kyy=1e6, kxy=0.5e6, kyx=0.5e6, cxx=0, scale_factor=2
        n=len(shaft), kxx=1e6, kyy=1e6, kxy=0.5e6, kyx=0.5e6, cxx=0, scale_factor=2
disks = [
        n=2, material=steel, width=0.07, i_d=odl, o_d=0.28, scale_factor="mass"
        n=4, material=steel, width=0.07, i_d=odl, o_d=0.35, scale_factor="mass"

rotor = rs.Rotor(shaft_elements=shaft, disk_elements=disks, bearing_elements=bearings)