User Guide#
Discussions and Examples
- Example 1 - Number of DOF influence in Natural Frequency
- Example 2 - Effect of varying slenderness ratio
- Example 3 - Isotropic Bearings, asymmetrical rotor.
- Example 4 - Anisotropic Bearings.
- Example 5 - Cross-coupled bearings.
- Example 6 - Isotropic bearings with damping.
- Example 7 - Hydrodinamic Bearings
- Example 8 - Overhung rotor.
- Example 9 - Hydrodinamic Journal Bearings (using Fluid Flow methods)
- Example 10 - Example of rotor connected by a rigid mechanical coupling with parallel misalignment.
- Example 11 - Example of rotor connected by a flexible mechanical coupling with parallel, agular or combined misalignment.
- Example 12 - Example of impact phenomena in rotor-casing dynamical systems.
- Example 13 - Uncertainties on bearings coefficients
- Example 14 - Uncertainties on material properties
- Example 15 - Example to evaluate the influence of transverse cracks in a rotating shaft.
- Example 16 - Look at different models of the disk-shaft interface
- Example 17 - Features of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors - Isotropic Bearings
- Example 18 - Features of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors - Anisotropic Bearings
- Example 19 - Features of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors - System with Mixed Modes
- Example 20 - Features of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors - Cross-Coupling in the Bearings
- Example 21 - Features of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors - Hydrodynamic Bearings
- Example 22 - Features of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors - The Effect o f Axial Load and Follower Torque
- Example 23 - An Overhung Rotor
- Example 24 - A Tapared Shaft
- Example 25 - Coaxial rotor
- Modal Shapes
- Example 26 - Isotropic System
- Plotting the Campbell Diagram
- Plotting the Mode Shapes and Damped Natural Frequencies
- Creating the out-of-balancing
- Plotting the Orbit using the Plotly library
- Plotting the Orbit using the Matplotlib library
- Example 27 - Anisotropic System
- Plotting the Campbell Diagram
- Plotting the Mode Shapes and Damped Natural Frequencies
- Creating the out-of-balancing
- Plotting the Orbit using the Plotly library
- Plotting the Orbit using the Matplotlib library
- Major Axis Amplitude of the response at nodes 2 and 4
- Example 28 - Rigid rotor on isotropic bearings
- Example 29 - Rigid rotor on anisotropic bearings
- Fluid-flow: Elliptical Bearing
- Fluid-flow: Short Bearing
- Fluid-flow theory
- Fluid-flow: Wear Bearing