- class ross.RollerBearingElement(n, n_rollers, l_rollers, fs, alpha, cxx=None, cyy=None, tag=None, n_link=None, scale_factor=1, color='#355d7a', **kwargs)#
A bearing element for roller bearings.
This class will create a bearing element based on some geometric and constructive parameters of roller bearings. The main difference is that cross-coupling stiffness and damping are not modeled in this case.
The theory used to calculate the stiffness coeficients is based on [Friswell, 2010] (pages 182-185). Damping is low in rolling-element bearings and the direct damping coefficient is typically in the range of (0.25 ~ 2.5) x 10e-5 x Kxx (or Kyy).
- Parameters:
- nint
Node which the bearing will be located in.
- n_rollersfloat
Number of steel spheres in the bearing.
- l_rollersfloat
Length of the steel rollers.
- fsfloat, optional
Static bearing loading force.
- alphafloat, optional
Contact angle between the steel sphere and the inner / outer raceway.
- cxxfloat, optional
Direct stiffness in the x direction. Default is 1.25*10e-5 * kxx.
- cyyfloat, optional
Direct damping in the y direction. Default is 1.25*10e-5 * kyy.
- tagstr, optional
A tag to name the element Default is None.
- n_linkint, optional
Node to which the bearing will connect. If None the bearing is connected to ground. Default is None.
- scale_factorfloat, optional
The scale factor is used to scale the bearing drawing. Default is 1.
- colorstr, optional
A color to be used when the element is represented. Default is ‘#355d7a’.
[Fri10]Michael I Friswell. Dynamics of rotating machines. Cambridge University Press, 2010.
>>> n = 0 >>> n_rollers = 8 >>> l_rollers = 0.03 >>> fs = 500.0 >>> alpha = np.pi / 6 >>> tag = "rollerbearing" >>> bearing = RollerBearingElement(n=n, n_rollers=n_rollers, l_rollers=l_rollers, ... fs=fs, alpha=alpha, tag=tag) >>> bearing.K(0) array([[2.72821927e+08, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00], [0.00000000e+00, 5.56779444e+08, 0.00000000e+00], [0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00]])
- C(frequency)#
Damping matrix for an instance of a bearing element.
This method returns the damping matrix for an instance of a bearing element.
- Parameters:
- frequencyfloat
The excitation frequency (rad/s).
- Returns:
- Cnp.ndarray
A 3x3 matrix of floats containing the cxx, cxy, cyx, cyy, and czz values (N*s/m).
>>> bearing = bearing_example() >>> bearing.C(0) array([[200., 0., 0.], [ 0., 150., 0.], [ 0., 0., 50.]])
- G()#
Gyroscopic matrix for an instance of a bearing element.
This method returns the mass matrix for an instance of a bearing element.
- Returns:
- Gnp.ndarray
A 3x3 matrix of floats.
>>> bearing = bearing_example() >>> bearing.G() array([[0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0.]])
- K(frequency)#
Stiffness matrix for an instance of a bearing element.
This method returns the stiffness matrix for an instance of a bearing element.
- Parameters:
- frequencyfloat
The excitation frequency (rad/s).
- Returns:
- Knp.ndarray
A 3x3 matrix of floats containing the kxx, kxy, kyx, kyy and kzz values (N/m).
>>> bearing = bearing_example() >>> bearing.K(0) array([[1000000., 0., 0.], [ 0., 800000., 0.], [ 0., 0., 100000.]])
- M(frequency)#
Mass matrix for an instance of a bearing element.
This method returns the mass matrix for an instance of a bearing element.
- Parameters:
- frequencyfloat
The excitation frequency (rad/s).
- Returns:
- Mnp.ndarray
Mass matrix (kg).
>>> bearing = bearing_example() >>> bearing.M(0) array([[0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0.]])
- __init__(n, n_rollers, l_rollers, fs, alpha, cxx=None, cyy=None, tag=None, n_link=None, scale_factor=1, color='#355d7a', **kwargs)#
- dof_local_index()#
Get the local index for a element specific degree of freedom.
- Returns:
- local_index: namedtupple
A named tuple containing the local index.
>>> # Example using BearingElement >>> from ross.bearing_seal_element import bearing_example >>> bearing = bearing_example() >>> bearing.dof_local_index() LocalIndex(x_0=0, y_0=1, z_0=2)
- dof_mapping()#
Degrees of freedom mapping.
Returns a dictionary with a mapping between degree of freedom and its index.
- Returns:
- dof_mappingdict
A dictionary containing the degrees of freedom and their indexes.
The numbering of the degrees of freedom for each node.
Being the following their ordering for a node:
x_0 - horizontal translation y_0 - vertical translation z_0 - axial translation
>>> bearing = bearing_example() >>> bearing.dof_mapping() {'x_0': 0, 'y_0': 1, 'z_0': 2}
- classmethod from_table(n, file, sheet_name=0, tag=None, n_link=None, scale_factor=1, color='#355d7a')#
Instantiate a bearing using inputs from an Excel table.
A header with the names of the columns is required. These names should match the names expected by the routine (usually the names of the parameters, but also similar ones). The program will read every row bellow the header until they end or it reaches a NaN.
- Parameters:
- nint
The node in which the bearing will be located in the rotor.
- filestr
Path to the file containing the bearing parameters.
- sheet_nameint or str, optional
Position of the sheet in the file (starting from 0) or its name. If none is passed, it is assumed to be the first sheet in the file.
- tagstr, optional
A tag to name the element. Default is None.
- n_linkint, optional
Node to which the bearing will connect. If None the bearing is connected to ground. Default is None.
- scale_factorfloat, optional
The scale factor is used to scale the bearing drawing. Default is 1.
- colorstr, optional
A color to be used when the element is represented. Default is ‘#355d7a’ (Cardinal).
- Returns:
- bearingrs.BearingElement
A bearing object.
>>> import os >>> file_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/tests/data/bearing_seal_si.xls' >>> BearingElement.from_table(0, file_path, n_link=1) BearingElement(n=0, n_link=1, kxx=[1.379...
- classmethod load(file)#
- plot(coefficients=None, frequency_units='rad/s', stiffness_units='N/m', damping_units='N*s/m', mass_units='kg', fig=None, **kwargs)#
Plot coefficient vs frequency.
- Parameters:
- coefficientslist, str
List or str with the coefficients to plot.
- frequency_unitsstr, optional
Frequency units. Default is rad/s.
- stiffness_unitsstr, optional
Stiffness units. Default is N/m.
- damping_unitsstr, optional
Damping units. Default is N*s/m.
- mass_unitsstr, optional
Mass units. Default is kg.
- **kwargsoptional
Additional key word arguments can be passed to change the plot layout only (e.g. width=1000, height=800, …). *See Plotly Python Figure Reference for more information.
- Returns:
- figPlotly graph_objects.Figure()
The figure object with the plot.
- classmethod read_toml_data(data)#
Read and parse data stored in a .toml file.
The data passed to this method needs to be according to the format saved in the .toml file by the .save() method.
- Parameters:
- datadict
Dictionary obtained from toml.load().
- Returns:
- The element object.
>>> # Example using BearingElement >>> from tempfile import tempdir >>> from pathlib import Path >>> from ross.bearing_seal_element import bearing_example >>> from ross.bearing_seal_element import BearingElement >>> # create path for a temporary file >>> file = Path(tempdir) / 'bearing1.toml' >>> bearing1 = bearing_example() >>> >>> bearing1_loaded = BearingElement.load(file) >>> bearing1 == bearing1_loaded True
- save(file)#
Save the element in a .toml file.
This function will save the element to a .toml file. The file will have all the argument’s names and values that are needed to reinstantiate the element.
- Parameters:
- filestr, pathlib.Path
The name of the file the element will be saved in.
>>> # Example using DiskElement >>> from tempfile import tempdir >>> from pathlib import Path >>> from ross.disk_element import disk_example >>> # create path for a temporary file >>> file = Path(tempdir) / 'disk.toml' >>> disk = disk_example() >>>
- summary()#
Present a summary for the element.
A pandas series with the element properties as variables.
- Returns:
- A pandas series.
>>> # Example using DiskElement >>> from ross.disk_element import disk_example >>> disk = disk_example() >>> disk.summary() n 0 n_l 0 n_r 0...
- classmethod table_to_toml(n, file)#
Convert bearing parameters to toml.
Convert a table with parameters of a bearing element to a dictionary ready to save to a toml file that can be later loaded by ross.
- Parameters:
- nint
The node in which the bearing will be located in the rotor.
- filestr
Path to the file containing the bearing parameters.
- Returns:
- datadict
A dict that is ready to save to toml and readable by ross.
>>> import os >>> file_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/tests/data/bearing_seal_si.xls' >>> BearingElement.table_to_toml(0, file_path) {'n': 0, 'kxx': array([...