Example 22 - Features of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors - The Effect o f Axial Load and Follower Torque#
This example is based on Example 5.9.7 from [Friswell, 2010].
The Effect o f Axial Load and Follower Torque. Investigate the effect on the model of Example 5.9.1 of axial loads of —10,10, and 100 kN and torques of 50 and 100 kNm.
import ross as rs
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from IPython.display import display
# uncomment the lines below if you are having problems with plots not showing
# import plotly.io as pio
# pio.renderers.default = "notebook"
Q_ = rs.Q_
steel = rs.Material("steel", E=211e9, G_s=81.2e9, rho=7810)
L = 0.25
N = 6
idl = 0
odl = 0.05
num_freq = 6
bearings = [
rs.BearingElement(n=0, kxx=1e6, cxx=0, scale_factor=2),
rs.BearingElement(n=N, kxx=1e6, cxx=0, scale_factor=2),
disks = [
n=2, material=steel, width=0.07, i_d=odl, o_d=0.28, scale_factor="mass"
n=4, material=steel, width=0.07, i_d=odl, o_d=0.35, scale_factor="mass"
results = pd.DataFrame(
{"speed": [0 for _ in range(num_freq)] + [4000 for _ in range(num_freq)]}
for speed in Q_([0, 4000], "RPM"):
for axial in Q_([0, 10, 100, -10], "kN"):
shaft = [
rs.ShaftElement(L=L, idl=idl, odl=odl, material=steel, axial_force=axial)
for i in range(N)
rotor = rs.Rotor(
shaft_elements=shaft, disk_elements=disks, bearing_elements=bearings
modal = rotor.run_modal(speed=speed)
results.loc[results.speed == speed.m, f"Axial Load {axial.m}"] = (
Q_(modal.wd[:6], "rad/s").to("Hz").m
for torque in Q_([50, 100], "kN*m"):
shaft = [
rs.ShaftElement(L=L, idl=idl, odl=odl, material=steel, torque=torque)
for i in range(N)
rotor = rs.Rotor(
shaft_elements=shaft, disk_elements=disks, bearing_elements=bearings
modal = rotor.run_modal(speed=speed)
results.loc[results.speed == speed.m, f"Torque {torque.m}"] = (
Q_(modal.wd[:6], "rad/s").to("Hz").m